Using the BAM API to write BAM events from orchestrations
One of the easiest ways to update a bam activity from an orchestration is to use the BAM API, Simply add reference to
In the basic level you have to start, update and end an activity.
The code in start-bam-expression-shape in orchestration PreProcessInvoice will then look something like this:
activityName = ("ProcessInvoice");//this is the activity we are loading data into
activityInstance = System.Convert.ToString(System.Guid.NewGuid())+"PreProcessInvoice"; //if bamming to same activity from different orchestration, we may track where the data is comming from by adding orchestration name.
Microsoft.BizTalk.Bam.EventObservation.OrchestrationEventStream.BeginActivity(activityName, activityInstance);
- Microsoft.BizTalk.Bam.EventObservartion
- Microsoft.BizTalk.Bam.XLANGs
In the basic level you have to start, update and end an activity.
Start Activity
I reccomend creating variables for activity name and instanceID, To avoid any confutions. The Activity name must match the Activity name created and deployed using bm.exe. (I will create a seperate post for this)The code in start-bam-expression-shape in orchestration PreProcessInvoice will then look something like this:
activityName = ("ProcessInvoice");//this is the activity we are loading data into
activityInstance = System.Convert.ToString(System.Guid.NewGuid())+"PreProcessInvoice"; //if bamming to same activity from different orchestration, we may track where the data is comming from by adding orchestration name.
Microsoft.BizTalk.Bam.EventObservation.OrchestrationEventStream.BeginActivity(activityName, activityInstance);
Update Activity
Microsoft.BizTalk.Bam.EventObservation.OrchestrationEventStream.UpdateActivity(activityName, activityInstance,
"PurchadeOrderNumber", poNumber,
"InvoiceDate", date,
"Company", company );
When updating an activity, the object we are adding is in fact a key-value pair, where the Key needs to match the databasefield name, and value needs to be compliant with the database datatype. More ond advanced stuff in a seperate post. For now we will stick to using text.
End Activity
Nothing special about this at all.
Microsoft.BizTalk.Bam.EventObservation.OrchestrationEventStream.EndActivity (activityName, activityInstance);
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